Monday 29 April 2013

Baalei Tzedeka

First of all,May Hashem be blessed for letting us coming this far!
we the Baalei Tzedeka in Israel are so delighted when we heard that Baalei Tzedeka in Manipur has been doing well!Moreso we would like to encourage the Baalei Tzedeka to srengthened themself more stronger!Our Rabbis of blessed memory told us that To strengthen one another one needs first to strengthen himself or prepared himself!As is well said There is no place where it lacks difficulties,were he to be rich or poor or talented in everything.There is difficulties everywhere,so to say.Therefore if there is difficulties in everything it is better to chose the path of Hashem for One who sanctifies himself or strengthened himself will also again be sanctified in the World to come and this is the most good!What one needs is to have an undying faith in God and to change everything for the better.This is the purpose of life!One who returns to the Master without fulfilling his duties is given repairation punishment!Rabbi Nakhman of blessed memory told us that This world is a narrow bridge but the most important thing is not to be afraid at all because Hashem is there.when one is afraid one despises the name of Heaven.The most important thing for a Group is to believe in Hashem and to have an undying faith in oneself and also to every group members.
Lastly Hashem is not limited.He is above nature.To believe in Hashem or To love Hashem is to obey all what he commanded us to do and to even die for the sake of sanctifying his name.May we all be srengthen with His name.